“All aspects of the human condition are present in K.B. Pellegrino’s new mystery novel A Predatory Cabal: Worm in the Apple as the detectives have to deal with political pressures, family matters, etc. while at the same time attempting to discover the truth behind the wave of deaths rippling through their hometowns.”
“Beryl Kent and the Bleeding Man is a well-plotted crime fiction novel with characters to love and despise. With a little local Western Massachusetts spice, K. B. Pellegrino directs the reader with both essential and thought-provoking clues exposed in the thoughts of Captain Beauregard, a logical and precise professional and Beryl Kent, a strong, defiant, independent woman who can’t be pushed around. Beryl takes ownership of her casual aid to a bleeding man in some very colorful and unapologetic ways.”

Kathleen B. Pellegrino - Author & Storyteller
West-Side, MA is not too far...
Even at that early age, I developed my own plots if only to cover up my misdeeds to the chagrin of my family and teachers. Some less creative called it fibbing!”
From There to Here...
I write now from those experiences. I have always written but alas only to the narrow constraints of business and law; certainly often much more long winded and with far less interesting turns of events. Now I write from the love of plot – of people and their ways –of life – of philosophy – about crime –about the sociopath/psychopath.”

Mystery Trilogy
A sociopath serial murderer walks silently, avoiding detection, on beautiful Sunnyside Road, a toney paradise neighborhood in West Side, a small city in Western Massachusetts.
Learn more about the story, and how to get a Free Chapter by following the link.