Mini Vacay ~ K.B. Pellegrino

Just a short update on life in my world: I am hosting Linda, my sister-in-law from Tennessee this week. Our first activity was to drive to Providence to have lunch with Caroleann and Ed on Monday. Left for an overnight at the J&J Lodge in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire with Joey and Janet. Three and a half hours of driving with beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee as our goal. Lunch and a visit to the Lucknow Lodge, built in the clouds in 1914. Walking a bit on the property and touring the house left us little time to scramble for dinner, but we did and quite successfully dined on wonderful fish. On Wednesday, off on the pontoon boat to Wolfeboro Center for breakfast only to return for the ride back to Springfield as I was hosting a family dinner of twenty-two for our visitor. Phew! I am tired. I have had little time to rest, but now feel strangely rejuvenated. Now, today, I write correspondence, social media posts, pay bills, make lists and try to fit back into my everyday life.

How many of you realize that a few days break from your norm and despite physical fatigue, the result instead is an arrested ennui in your life leaving you subsequently in gear to move forward? Now, today is a work day, but Saturday and Sunday will be two more entertainment days. I think I’ll meditate tomorrow and walk. Constant socialization often tires me. But I do know how to balance, how to moderate my activities, how to balance life so I may continue to appreciate living. Stay healthy and balanced.

K. B. Pellegrino, Author

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