by Kathleen Pellegrino | Aug 14, 2019 | After the Party, Endurance, Environment, Experiencing life, Giving thanks, Gossip, Mystery, News
PHOTO —The Author’s Specialist in Environmental Science, Joey III speaking at the North East Division Conference of the Soil and Water Conservation Society in Pittsburg, PA on ecosystem services in Environmental Justice Communities in Springfield, MA. His...
by Kathleen Pellegrino | May 21, 2019 | After the Party, Endurance, Experiencing life, flowers, Giving thanks, Gossip, Mystery, reading
I traveled the area today looking for ‘what to plant’ around my home. It is a mystery, though nothing to do with murder, how after I see the same plants repeatedly in different garden centers, I am better able to visualize their import for my garden....
by Kathleen Pellegrino | Dec 24, 2018 | Experiencing life, Giving thanks, Mystery
There have been snowflakes flying, but only enough of them to allow us to see them in the air. They are not sticking, but still do the job of reminding me of the season. It is as the song says, “The most beautiful time of the year.” Bing Crosby would bring...
by Kathleen Pellegrino | Dec 1, 2018 | Experiencing life, Giving thanks, Mystery, News, Writing
We mourn the death of our longest living president, George H.W.Bush, heroic in his life and lifestyle as pointed out by both sides of the aisle; both democrats and republicans. Perhaps both sides truly do respect an honorable man living an honorable life even if every...
by Kathleen Pellegrino | Nov 27, 2018 | Experiencing life, Giving thanks, Mystery
I’ve been struggling with a virus. Turns out I’m not alone. At least two in my family have visited the Doc in a Box and several friends as well. The problem is that we think in the morning that we can handle all the sniffles, coughs, choking, sneezing,...
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