by Kathleen Pellegrino | Sep 18, 2019 | After the Party, Endurance, Environment, Experiencing life, flowers, Giving thanks, glowers, Gossip
Mid-September reminds us of how busy we are and will continue to be until mid winter when we get a snow day here in the northeast corner of the USA. I think of this time, as the great hustle. Kids of all ages are back in school, and businesses get serious about...
by Kathleen Pellegrino | Aug 28, 2019 | After the Party, Endurance, Environment, Experiencing life, flowers, Giving thanks, glowers, Gossip
Mothers are crying and/or celebrating. The kids are back in school dressed for success. The kids mostly are excited to see their friends. Some actually look forward to learning. The teachers, despite some complaining about new rules just as the students also...
by Kathleen Pellegrino | Aug 21, 2019 | After the Party, Endurance, Environment, Experiencing life, flowers, Giving thanks
Artists, crafters, writers, readers, professionals, engineers, teachers, builders, homeless, infirmed, and I could go on, BUT, I mean all of us attempting to live a fruitful life – all have bumps in the road of life. Some have bumps where the experience faced...
by Kathleen Pellegrino | Aug 14, 2019 | After the Party, Endurance, Environment, Experiencing life, Giving thanks, Gossip, Mystery, News
PHOTO —The Author’s Specialist in Environmental Science, Joey III speaking at the North East Division Conference of the Soil and Water Conservation Society in Pittsburg, PA on ecosystem services in Environmental Justice Communities in Springfield, MA. His...
by Kathleen Pellegrino | Jul 31, 2019 | Endurance, Experiencing life, Giving thanks, Mystery, News, Writing
As an author, the publishing of my works is often mind-boggling. I am not a do-it-all kind of writer. Formatting copy for uploading to a printer, Amazon, or Audio is just a roadblock to me. Consider that the author must wade through the morass of publishing supports...
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