by Kathleen Pellegrino | Apr 16, 2022 | After the Party, charity, decisionmaking, Endurance, Environment, Experiencing life, Giving thanks, Mystery
Easter Season leaves me breathless. It is the holiday, holyday, that brings me hope. Now I’m writing today after three days of no computer because of a malware attack. I wanted to write every day, but writing on my phone is daunting. To say I was unhappy with my...
by Kathleen Pellegrino | Dec 26, 2021 | charity, Christmas Story, Environment, Experiencing life
I Heard The Word… And It Came Through Song ©2021 A short story by K. B. Pellegrino, Author Ms. Bitner sat in church two weeks before Christmas on a lovely Sunday morning. A habitual attendee, if for no other reason than to socialize, she appeared bored with the lack...
by Kathleen Pellegrino | Dec 16, 2021 | After the Party, charity, decisionmaking, Endurance, Environment, Experiencing life
In “The Book of Mysteries” by Jonathan Cahn, Day 250, the Mission stated is: Take every need, want, emptiness, desire, or longing and direct it away from the world, to the Spirit and the heavenly. Each day in this book is a lesson for living. I found it...
by kbpell321 | Dec 5, 2021 | After the Party, charity, Endurance, Environment, Experiencing life
In early December we celebrated one of our young people’s 30th birthday in a raucous celebration. Lots of folks in their 20’s and 30’s bringing their experiences to those older and younger. Attending was a 15 month old who thought this party was for...
by kbpell321 | Nov 14, 2021 | After the Party, charity, decisionmaking, Endurance, Environment, Experiencing life, flowers
The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn I read with great interest the author Cahn’s elevating the ‘teacher’ to great heights as the teacher gives lessons from a low perch. Ah, the lessons grabbed me as they inspired me to write. Each page’s...
by kbpell321 | Sep 16, 2021 | After the Party, charity, Christmas Story, Endurance, Environment, Experiencing life, flowers, Giving thanks
Family, writing, business, reading, and friends have me slightly discombobulated today. There is just so much energy I have and in the past I thought I was among the most energetic. That was when I wasn’t writing books; when my family was at a smaller size; when...
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