Musings and More…
Looking Anew
Looking forward to the publication of “Brothers from another Mother (All for One! Always?” expected in early 2019.
After the Party’s Over
So I wish them, my family and friends, and all your familes and friends a good and healthy and happy future post holiday madness.
Giving Thanks
So I wish you all, my readers or not, too much turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, veggies, desserts.
Snow, Early Snow – That’s New England
There is no good answer, certainly nothing that will alleviate the fear we have when we realize that we, not just them, are all at risk all the time.
Veterans Day
God bless our troops everywhere.
Mystery in Western Massachusetts
It was a beautiful day in western Mass and we so enjoyed ourselves away from work, sophisticated play, and household chores.
New Book, New Events, New Teasers & More!
As you know, my second book in the Evil Exists in West Side Trilogy, Mary Lou: Oh, What Did She Do? has just been released online. In celebration, I will be hosting a second book signing on Nov. 3rd at 1pm at the Irish Cultral Center in West Springfield. The event...
Ebook Update
Due to circumstances out of my control, the ebook version of Sunnyside Road has been delayed. Hopefully, it will be released within 3 weeks. I will keep you posted. -K
Excitement Brewing for Sunnyside Road (Paradise Dissembling)
Perhaps reminds us that legal justice and our concept of justice are not always one and the same.
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